Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism
Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism (Classe LM-77 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Scienze economico-aziendali) is a Master degree
The Master in Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism is a new two-year program designed for students interested in entrepreneurship and innovation management for sustainable tourism.
The course is taught entirely in English in the city of Olbia - 100 Km from Sassari.
All the lectures of the master take place onsite at the fist floor of the Airport “Olbia Costa Smeralda” and students are expected to attend courses in person.
The total workload for each student is 120 CFU/ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
Fees are up to a maximum of 1620,00 € (which can be reduced on the basis of the fulfilment of certain conditions - link)
A group of selected students of the Master in Innovation Management for Sustainable Tourism of the University of Sassari will be able to achieve the double degree in Business Administration in International Hospitality and Tourism proposed by the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, with student exchange during the second year of study (semester 3 and semester 4) (Renewed in 2024) (validity 2020/21-2027/28)
Training objectives
The course offers, in the first year, advanced training in the managerial, legal, economic, mathematical-statistical disciplines with a focus on sustainable tourism. In the second year he focuses on the theoretical knowledge, operational skills and practical skills necessary to allow a useful specialization to cover managerial and consultancy roles in the field of Innovation Management, Tourism Service Design and the measurement of fair and sustainable well-being.
Employment opportunities
The master's degree in Innovation management for sustainable tourism can perform managerial functions within public and private tourism organizations, with a vision oriented towards innovation and economic, social and environmental sustainability and a particular focus on the interpretation of market trends and measuring fair and sustainable well-being. The new professional figure meets the needs of a constantly evolving tourism sector, in which competition between destinations requires transversal skills, but also specifically oriented towards the timely interpretation of demand trends
1st YEAR
SECS-P/01 Economics of sustainable tourism 12 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/07 Strategic management and governance for tourism companies 12 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/08 International tourism marketing 6 CFU/ECTS
IUS/04-06 Legal Models for Sustainable Tourism and Mobility LAB 12 CFU/ECTS
SECS-S/01-03 Data analysis and forecasting methods for sustainable tourism 12 CFU/ECTS
*** Free course 6 CFU/ECTS
2nd YEAR
SECS-P/06 Natural capital and ecosystem services 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/08 Innovation Management and Tourism Service Design 12 CFU/ECTS
SECS-S/05 Equality Sustainability and Well-Being Measurement LAB 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/09 Financial instruments laboratory for sustainable tourism 6 CFU/ECTS
2 exams to be chosen from the elective list below
*** Free course 6 CFU/ECTS
Final exam 12 CFU/ECTS
L-LIN/12 English for business 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/07 Tourism enterpreneurship LAB 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/08 Destination management and digital marketing LAB 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/10 Human resources 6 CFU/ECTS
IUS/04 Business and market law LAB 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/13 Quality management LAB 6 CFU/ECTS
MGGR-02 Geo-economic context of sustainable tourism development 6 CFU/ECTS
SECS-P/08 Ethic tourism 6 CFU/ECTS
IUS/21 European law Lab 6 CFU/ECTS
Traditional classes are complemented by frequent group discussions, case study analysis and situations where students are confronted with different business scenarios and asked to provide concrete solutions to real life problems.
• Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)
• English at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
• skills and knowledge:
- analysis of the company's economic and financial performance;
- ability to understand the environmental scenario from an economic and financial point of view;
- quantitative problem solving skills;
- knowledge of the basic techniques of descriptive statistics;
- ability to analyze economic and business problems.
An interview will be carried out before enrollment in order to verify the position of the candidate's requirements and personal preparation. Basic knowledge required
The link for the interview will be sent only to who give all documentation required one week before the interview.
More informations about how to enroll for international students for the academic year 2025/2026.
More information about how to enroll for italian students for the academic year 2024/2025.
Enrollment precedures for non-EU citizens
I candidati dovranno dimostrare il possesso delle seguenti competenze e conoscenze:
- analisi delle performance economico-finanziarie dell'azienda
- capacità di comprensione dello scenario ambientale sotto il profilo economico-finanziario;
- capacità di problem solving di natura quantitativa;
- conoscenza delle tecniche di base della statistica descrittiva;
- capacità di analisi di problemi di tipo economico e aziendale.
Per i candidati in possesso di un titolo di laurea italiano, queste conoscenze comprendono, di norma, l'equivalente di almeno 40 CFU relativi a insegnamenti appartenenti a settori scientifico-disciplinari (SSD) che identificano saperi economici, economico-manageriali, matematico-quantitativi e giuridici tra i quali in particolare:
SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-P/03, SECS-P/06,SECS-P/12, SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/09, SECS-P/10, SECS-S/01, SECS-S/03, SECS- S/04, SECS-S/05, SECS-S/06, IUS/01, IUS/04; IUS/05; IUS/06, IUS/09.
Si ricorda che i colloquio di accesso necessari per poter effettuare l’immatricolazione per l’a.a. 24/24 si terranno a settembre 2024, a metà/fine ottobre 2024 e nella seconda settimana di gennaio 2025.
At the GEOVILLAGE, in Olbia, various housing solutions are available for university students.
The GEOVILLAGE University Campus is intended for the hospitality and residency of "fuopri sede" university students enrolled in one of the courses of study activated at the Olbia campus.
For more information view the dedicated section on the institutional website of CIPNES ( or write to
The University of Sassari does not have any scholarships (any financial aid, including grants and bursaries) for international students.
For information about scholarships you can find more information at the following links:
Ersu Sassari - Home (Ersu Sassari - Home) – deadline: 6 September 2024
MAECI - Grants for foreign and Italian citizens living abroad awarded by the Italian Government (For foreign citizens – Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale) – deadline 2 p.m. (C.E.T.) of June 14th, 2024