

The department of Economics and Business (DiSea) distinguishes itself for excellence in research and scientific planning, organizational and teaching activities, as demonstrated by the recognition received by the Ministry of Higher Education (Miur), placing DiSea among the Departments of Excellence. Increasingly in recent years, the International dimension at DiSea always, represents a central policy which covers all strategic development areas and departmental modernization processes (teaching, research, and third mission).

Regarding the internationalization of research activities, Disea recently launched an international Ph.D. program in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (EMQM) in cooperation with the University of Bordeaux (France). Furthermore, in 2021, DiSea's various international research collaborations in the field of tourism contributed to place the University of Sassari internationally in the 124th position of the Shanghai Ranking (improving by 23 places from the 2019 edition) and third in the category of "Tourism and Hospitality management" at a national level.

As far as teaching is concerned, internationalization occurs through intense exchange activities (betweeen students, teachers, and administrative staff) for study, education, and training purposes within the wide range of university partnerships and thanks to the Erasmus+ and Ulisse programs. More recently, the launch of double degree programs further boosted the internationalization of teaching activities. Just as important is the intense dynamism connected to the Visiting program and all the opportunities it offers in teaching and research seminars to benefit students and teaching staff alike.

DiSea actively promotes relations with the principal territorial stakeholders, plans teaching and research activities corresponding to the training and cognitive needs (regional and national) of local enterprises and organizations, and disseminates results internationally. Without a doubt these aspects, bear witness to the department's particular vocation towards public engagement and third mission.

Deputy Chair of International Relations: Prof. Giacomo Del Chiappa